what to do in the airport while waiting

Let u.s.a. be honest: Nobody likes waiting at the airport.

Y'all don't usually become to the airport to wait, you lot go there because you desire to travel, wing, get somewhere else. So if you discover yourself waiting for hours and hours on cease, the reason is perhaps pure bad luck, karma, something you lot did not manage to avoid. Or, in air travel terms: a long layover or a delayed flight.

Nevertheless, call back that wise people say: Every deject has a silver lining! For a long wait at the drome can be fun and perhaps even lucrative (Yes, every bit in: can bring y'all some cash). How? It's more than than simple.

There's only 1good thingnearly a delay.

You can become up to €600 in compensation.

Check My Flight

Scenario one: You're waiting at the airport because of a long layover

This is not uncommon. Long-haul flights between Europe and Asia, for instance, may vary greatly in elapsing - say, between 16 and 36 hours. The reason is that in some cases, there's a rather long (7 or viii-hour) layover somewhere in between. And if you're lucky, yous may even go two of these.

Combine this with sixteen hours of flying and throw the inevitable jet lag in the mix, and you become the script for a horror movie. Especially if you're not among the called few who have admission to the airport lounge.

  1. Adventure fourth dimension: Explore the airport

    Big and beautiful

    Some airports are gigantic and beautiful! Their architecture and interior blueprint is pure art. For instance, if you are lucky enough to have your layover at Singapore Changi Airport, I envy you lot wholeheartedly. Some travellers program an overnight stay to have the opportunity to curiosity at this futuristic paradise - its behemothic glass dome, the soaring waterfall, the tropical sanctuary with its orchid flowers and collywobbles.

    International airports are similar Olympic Games opening ceremonies - an opportunity to showcase the dazzler and diverseness of a culture. Whether it'due south the magical Edo-koji street at Haneda Airport with its lantern-lit tiny shops or the sand-dunes-shaped Hamad International in Doha, Qatar with its health guild and impressive public art displays, they are marvellous! If you desire to see them, programme a trip via ane of the biggest airports in the earth.

    Treasure chase

    Alternatively, if yous are at a smaller airport, you can still written report its layout. You lot tin first an expedition to discover the best, most comfortable or quietest waiting surface area. Research all the bathrooms and nominate the cleanest of them all.

    Observe the shortest routes to the food area and the kiosks. Observe the baggage wrapping machines or a Television set-equipped free lounge. All the electricity sockets and the best wi-fi spots (plus the wi-fi password!).

    And if you lot're travelling with kids, you may easily turn this into a treasure hunt: Notice and have photos of all the electricity sockets. (Brand them exercise all the piece of work, keep them busy and relax, all at the same fourth dimension - simply genius).

  2. Bleed the wi-fi

    Encounter, at present that you know the wi-fi password, you tin can go online and do all the fun things you never seem to have enough time for. Watch funny videos, read your favourite blogs, check the weather report, read your friends' posts on social media, like all those pictures on Instagram or even look at funny drome photos.

    Why not cull an airport you'd similar to be stuck in side by side time and programme a fun airport holiday.

  3. Store hop

    Although shops at airports tin can be quite expensive, they offer dandy diverseness. You don't really have to purchase anything if y'all're on a tight budget, simply browse.

    You tin explore the scents at the duty complimentary perfume surface area and first a brand new X-mas or B-day wish-listing. Some airport stores sell funny T-shirts and tiny beautiful aeroplane toys that make for peachy gifts for your loved ones.

    The shopping area is as well a great opportunity to get some civilization-branded presents - be it Stroopwafels from Amsterdam, camel milk chocolates from Dubai or dark-green-tea KitKat from Tokyo.

  4. Grab a bite (treat yourself, yous deserve it)

    And as expeditions and shopping quests require a huge corporeality of energy, you may already be hungry. All airports offer nutrient - be it the universal sandwich at the kiosk or meals prepared by award winning chefs such as Gordon Ramsay's Plane Food at Heathrow.

    Get for sushi, yakitori or ramen at Narita Airport in Tokyo or savor the slap-up family-friendly atmosphere and the fresh sea nutrient at Auckland Airdrome, New Zealand.

    Or maybe open your lunchbox, afterwards all, eating good for you while travelling is very of import!

  5. Meet new friends

    If you are travelling alone, don't exist shy and make some friends at the airport. This is a wonderful opportunity to share some ideas and stories. Remember: a skillful listener can make a skillful story-teller.

    Y'all may also get some tips about your travel destination, which can exist specially good for solo female travellers on their get-go solo journeying.

  6. Update your Social media contour

    An airport lounge with people waiting for their next flight.

    Browsing social media may sometimes seem similar a waste matter of fourth dimension only it'south a swell pastime while you lot're waiting at the airdrome. Why non employ the fourth dimension to revamp your social media contour or write a few posts. You tin fifty-fifty start a Best-airport-selfie challenge with your friends.

  7. Call your friends

    Keeping in bear on is very important for solo travellers - it is always a good idea to have a trusted friend back home who knows your itinerary and follows your condition.
    But even if you're not travelling solo, why not call your grandma or your sister and finally listen to their never ending stories.

  8. Rampage watch movies

    A favourite leisure action for movie-lovers, especially if you have unlimited wi-fi admission (some airports do offer it!). Succumb to nostalgia and lookout your favourite childhood flick. Or enquiry the all-time black-and-white classics and savor their slower pace and fine humour. You tin even lookout an entire season of a new TV series - who has the time to do this during the work week?

  9. Play the people-watching game

    This can be a really amusing activity. Look around and choose a person in the oversupply. What are they wearing? Why are they gesturing, what are they saying? What is their destination and why are they travelling? Are they married? What is their favourite food? Depending on your mood, you tin can make this person a grapheme in a funny story, a romance or a thriller, all you need is your imagination.

  10. Plan your trip

    Why not buy a guidebook or browse the net and make a list of things you want to see and do at your destination. Research ticket prices, free museums, street festivals and fun activities, dream a footling.

  11. Play games on your smartphone

    Snowboarding at high speed, shoot birds, fight brawlers, continue quests and seek allies and treasures or command your ain fortress and recruit your ain group of assassins.
    This may drain your bombardment but luckily you've already explored the drome and know where the electricity sockets are located!

  12. Listen to your favourite music or podcast

    When was the last fourth dimension you could heed to an entire album? After all some of the all-time bands have concept albums that were made to be listened in ane get. If you've never done this, give it a endeavor. Perhaps, you adopt playlists or podcasts? This is your gamble, grab your headphones and relish!

  13. Exercise your daily dose of language learning fun

    Learning languages expands the mind and can also be slap-up fun with online platforms. These often send you daily reminders and bits of linguistic communication yous go through every day, so brush up on your Chinese or Italian while you're waiting for your flight.

  14. Play cards or pen-and-paper games

    If you lot're travelling with friends, carte du jour games can be an amusing pastime. Alternatively, if you're travelling lone, you can still enjoy solitaire, for instance.

    For those who are travelling with kids, elementary pen-and-paper games tin exist a great take a chance to spend some quality fourth dimension together. Why not teach them Hangman, Tic-Tac-Toe, Battleships or pictionary, or even charades?

  15. Read a book

    You lot tin read books online, download these on your phone (in that location are plenty of apps) or only visit the drome bookstore. This may plough into a great opportunity to enquiry the latest popular titles or find a new favourite author.

    Why non attempt reading 2 random pages out of each section to find your favourite genre?

  16. Play the photographer

    If you oasis't started the airport-selfie challenge, this is your chance. You can make fascinating photos of planes or notice funny hidden spots worth photographing.
    You tin even brand a funny video of yourself ''punting'' while riding the empty moving walkway.

  17. Take a nap

    You must be tired after all of the higher up, and then it's finally time for a nap. You will demand your headphones for this and a jacket. Recall that airplanes and airports can be quite dank so it's ever a proficient idea to vesture comfortable and warm dress.

    A quick reminder: don't forget to set an warning, you don't want to miss your flying!

  18. Exit and explore the urban center

    Long layovers are actually a great opportunity to explore a city. We tend to think of these in-between stops on our journey equally transitory but once yous leave the aerodrome, in that location'south a whole new town waiting to exist discovered and experienced!

  19. Ride the terminal train

    Huge airports take special trains or buses that go around and connect all final buildings. Why not try and ride one of these and explore the area. You lot may be lucky enough to accept the whole train to yourself, isn't that a treat?

  20. Write in your diary

    Waiting at the airport means peace and tranquillity and time for yourself. Time to reflect and write in your diary, describe the about beautiful, the saddest, the most exciting, the nearly surprising. Or get Sei Shonagon style and brand Pillow-Volume lists: infuriating things, elegant things, rare things, etc.

  21. Learn something new (or how to lace your shoes)

    Explore the limitless width and depth of the Internet - fun ways to lace your shoes is simply and instance. To be honest, information technology takes quite a while to attempt and figure out how to practise it but it'due south great fun and the event - quite fancy.

    The Spider web can teach you lots of jokes, how to juggle, 5-infinitesimal crafts, the opportunities are countless!

Scenario 2: You're waiting at the airport due to a flying disruption

An explanation on how to claim with SkyRefund.

If you're stuck at an airport in Europe, you lot're in luck: Flight delays in the EU may bring you upwardly to €600 delayed flight compensation under European regulation EC 261/2004.

Retrieve that you are eligible for compensation if:

  • Your flight departs from the European union, or arrives in the EU and is operated by an EU-registered airline

  • You lot arrived at your destination more than than 3 hours later than scheduled.

Yet, if you lot are currently at the airport, waiting, and information technology's been more than 2 hours, your right to Care kicks in - the airline should cover your nutrient and drink expenses for the long await.

In case the waiting extends overnight, you are likewise entitled to adaptation - make sure yous ask the airline, they have to cover the expenses.

Moreover, if the delay causes you to miss your connectedness, cheque your rights. You may exist entitled to compensation under EC261.

Finally, the worst instance scenario: your flight gets cancelled. If the airline is responsible for the disruption, you tin claim cancelled flying compensation for your troubles.

Information technology's fast and piece of cake: only use our free compensation figurer to see if you lot are eligible and leave the balance to our team of experts.


Source: https://skyrefund.com/en/blog/fun-things-to-do-while-waiting-at-the-airport

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